- Design and conduct experiments, using a broad variety of experimental techniques, and interpret the data obtained to draw conclusions about whether the results do or do not support a hypothesis being tested and whether the experimental design was appropriate.
- Work collaboratively with other students and with faculty, understanding that most scientific knowledge/conclusions draw(s) on multiple sources of data and multiple experimental approaches.
- Learn “best approaches” for conducting experiments including laboratory safety, data replication and quality control, record keeping, and other aspects of “responsible conduct of research”.
- Gain familiarity with an area of science such that the students can present their work to a professional audience and also discuss their work with a general audience.
- Develop problem solving skills and analytical thinking skills.
Animal Diversity I
Study of museum specimens and slides:
- Protozoa :Paramecium(WM), Binary fission, Conjugation, Entamoeba, Trypanosoma, Plasmodium, Monocystis, Opalina, Vorticella, Balantidium, Nyctotherus, Euglena
- Porifera: Sycon L.S & T.S, Sponge spicules, Sponginfibres
Leucosolenia, Euplectella, Spongilla.
- Coelentrata: Hydra, Obelia(polyp), Aurelia, Sea anemone, Gorgonia, Physalia, Vellela, Alcyonium, Millepora, Pennatula
- Platyhelminthes: Planaria, Fasciola,Taenia-- Scolex, Gravid proglottid
- Aschelminthes:Ascaris(Male & Female), Dracunculus
Cell Biology
Principle & working of
- Dissecting microscope
- Compound microscope
Fixation and staining
- Fixatives:- Carnoys, Bouins, formalin
- Stains:- Acetocarmine, Acetorcein, Eosin, Haematoxylin
- Double & Single staining
- Staining of Euglena,Hydra,Obelia,Foraminiferous shell,Sponge spicules,Sponge gemmules,Sponginfibres
Principle & working of Centrifuge (Only Demonstration)
Mitosis- Onion root tip (Temporary slide Preparation)
Meiosis-Study of Permanent slides