Tools and Techniques

Paper Code: 
LSC-143 D
Contact Hours: 
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Spectroscopy: Spectroscopy and Spectrometry, Types of Spectroscopy. Atomic Spectroscopy: Flame Emission Spectroscopy and X- Ray Spectroscopy Molecular Spectroscopy: IR Spectroscopy, UV Spectroscopy and Visible Spectroscopy Nuclear Spectroscopy: NMR Spectroscopy


Microscopy: Magnifiers and microscopes, simple and compound microscopes. Types of microscopy – Optical Microscopy (Bright Field and Dark Field Microscopy, Phase contrast Microscopy, Fluorescence Microscopy, Confocal and Wide Field Deconvolution Microscopy ); Electron Microscopy (SEM, TEM).


Histology of Tissues: Selection of material, chemical fixation, fixatives, tissue dehydration using a graded solvent series of ethanol or acetone, rehydration, infiltration and embedding tissues, sectioning, mounting and staining, alternate methods of microtomy (cryotome, cryostat and vibratome)


Chromatography: Technique, types, applications and limitations. Techniques based on bed shape- Column Chromatography, Paper Chromatography and Thin Layer Chromatography

Techniques based on physical state of mobile phase- Gas Chromatography, Liquid Chromatography and High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Techniques based on separating mechanism- Ion Exchange Chromatography and Size Exclusion Chromatography


Microbiological techniques: Sterilization and disinfection, Simple and Complex Media, Preparation of media -solid and liquid media, nutrient agar slabs, slants and plates, Staining techniques, simple and differential staining, Instrumentation, Inoculation, Pure culture techniques: streak plate, pour plate and spread plate method.

Essential Readings: 
A Biology Guide to Principles and Techniques of Practical Biochemistry. .Wilson, K & Goulding, KH. ELBS edition. Wilson, K & Goulding, KH. ELBS edition.
• Introduction to Instrumental Analysis. Robert Brown. Mc Graw Hill 
• Introduction to Practical Molecular Biol Introduction to Practical Molecular Biology. Dabre, PG. John Wiley & Sons ogy. Dabre, PG. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Ltd.
• Kuby Immunology (fourth edition). Golds, RA. Thomas J. Kintz, Barbara,  A. Osborne, Freeman & Co., New York.A. Osborne, Freeman & Co., New York.
• Microbiological Applications: A Laboratory Manual in General Microbiology. WCG; WnC Brown Publish Benson, HJ. WCG; WnC Brown Publishers.ers.ers.ers.
• Microbiology, A Laboratory Manual. Cappuccino, JG and Sherman, N. .Addison Wesley.
• Molecular and Cellular Methods in Biology & Medicine. 1995. Win, K, Kim T. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, New York. aniatis,
Academic Year: