Structure & Function of Vertebrates

Paper Code: 
ZOL 321
Unit I: 

1.Outline classification of vertebrates upto orders

2. Comparative study of various systems in vertebrate       groups (Pisces, Amphibia, Reptile, Aves, Mammal)

a) Vertebrate integument and its derivatives-

Development, general structure and functions of skin & its derivatives (Glands, scales, feathers and hair)

Unit II: 

b) Circulatory System- Evolution of heart

Evolution of Aortic arches

c) Respiratory system

Unit III: 

d) Skeletal system- Form, function, body size and skeletal elements of the body, Comparative account of skull, jaw suspensorium, vertebral column, Limbs and girdles

Unit IV: 

e) Urinogenital system - Comparative study of Kidney,

Testis and Ovary and their ducts

Unit V: 

f) Sense organs

  • Simple receptors
  • Organs of olfaction and taste
  • Lateral line system
  • Electroreception

g) Nervous system

  • Comparative anatomy of the brain in relation to its function
Essential Readings: 
  1. The life of Vertebrates; Young J.Z.; Oxford University Press. Oxford.
  2. Colbert’s evolution of the vertebrates; Colbert E.H; John Willey and Sons.
  3. The chordata, Alexander, R.M.Cambridge University Press, London.
  4. The Biology of Himchordata and Protochordata. Barrington, E.J.W. Olter and Boyd. Edinhourgh.
  5. The Structure functions of nervous tissue. Bourne, G.H.Academic Press New York.
  6. Structure and Habit in vertabrate evolution - carter, G.S.Sedgwick and Jackson. London
  7. The Understanding of the brain. Eccles, J.C. McGraw Hill Co., New York and London.
  8. Outlines of comparative anatomy of vertabrates. Kingsley, J.S. Central Book Depot. Allahabad.
  9. Comparative anatomy of vertabrates. Kent. C.G.
  10. Chordata morphology. Malcom Jollie. East-West Press Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi.
  11. Analysis of vertabrate structure. Milton Hilderhrand. John Wiley and Sons., Inc, New York
  12. The Chordates. Monielli. A.R.Cambridge University press. London.
  13. Evolution of chordata structure Smith. H.S. Hold Rinehart and Winstoin Inc., New York.
  14. Text Book of Zoology, Sedgwick, A.A. Students Vol.II.
  15. Vision in vertabrate. Tansley. K.chapman and Hall Ltd., Londo
  16. Morphogenesis of vertabrate. Torrey,T.W. John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York and London.
  17. Biology 01Æ vertarates, Walters.H.E. and Sayles. L.D.Macmillan and Co., New York.
  18. Taste and smell in vertebrates. Wolstenholnf. E.F.and Knight, J.(Ed.) æ and A Churchill. London.
  19. Vertabrate Body. Romer A.S. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia.
  20. Life of vertabrate, Young. J.Z. The Oxford University Press. London.
  21. Life of mammals, Young. J.Z. The Oxford University Press. London.
  22. Evolution of the vertabrates, Colbert. E.H. John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York.
  23. Vertabrate Paleontology. Romer. A.S.University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
  24. History of Primates Clark WK University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
  25. Elements of chordate anatomy, Weichert. C.K. and Presch W. McGraw hall Book Co., New York.
  26. An Introduction of vertarates anatomy. Messers. H.M.
  27. Comparative anatomy. montagna. W.John Wily and Sons Inc.
  28. Emroys and Ancestors. De Deer. 5G. Claredon Press. Oxford.
  29. Problems in vertabrate evolution. Andrews. S.M. Academic Press-New York.
  30. Chordata structure and function. Waterman. A.J.Macmillan Co. New York.
  31. Vertabrate evolution. Joysey.K.A. and T.S.Kemp. Oliver and Boyd. Edinbourgh.
  32. The Pylogeny of vertabrate. Lovtrup.S.JohnWiley and Sons. London
  33. Their habits and adaptations. Reptiles and Amphibians: Barbiur. T Hongton Miffin Co., New York
  34. The biology of the Amphibia. Kingsley Noble G.Dover Publications. New York
  35. Arnphibia and their ways. Symth. The McMillan Co., New York. Andrevos. S.M.Miles.R.S. and Walker. AD. Problems in vertebrate evolution. Academic Press. New York.
  36. Modern text book of Zoology-Vertebrates; Kotpal R. L.; Rastogi Publications
Academic Year: