Course objectives:
This course will enable the students to -
Course Outcomes (COs):
Course |
Learning outcomes (at course level) |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
Paper Code |
Paper Title |
ZOL 423 C
Environmental Toxicology II |
The course Objectives to provide students with a detailed knowledge of:
CO104: Various types of toxicant and pollutions CO105: Branches of Toxicology
CO106: Bioremediation, Biofertilizers and Biopesticides
Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration, Team teaching
Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Simulation, Seminar presentation, Giving tasks, Field practical |
Class test Semester end examinations, Quiz Assignments, Presentations Surprise test Open book test |
Epidemiologic Evidence of Health effects
Outdoor air pollution
Indoor air pollution
Pollutants of outdoor ambient air
Type of air pollution (SO2, particulate matter, photochemical air pollution, smog)
Global warming
Ozone depletion
Water Pollution
Important water pollutants
Infectious agents
Human waste disposal
Waste water treatment
Food Toxicology
Nature and complexity of food
Safety standards for food, food ingredients and contaminants
(Food, drug & cosmetics Act, food and colour additives, GRAS (generally recognized as safe)
Tolerance setting for substances in food (Pesticide residues, drugs used in food producing animals, unavoidable contaminants (heavy metals, chlorinated organics, Nitrosamine, food-borne molds & mycotoxins)
Microbiologic Agents
Substances produced by cooking
BSEC (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy)
Forensic / Analytic Toxicology
Analytical role in general toxicology
Analytical role in Forensic Toxicology
Toxicologic investigation of a poison death
Criminal poisoning of the living
Occupational Toxicology
Workplace, exposures, and standards (Nature of the work force, Determinants of dose occupational exposure limits)
Occupational diseases
Toxicological Evaluation of Occupational agents
Regulatory Toxicology
Programs for regulating chemical hazards (Food & Drug Administration, EPA, Occupational Safety and Health Administrations)
Regulatory Control over Toxicity
Animal Welfare Requirement
Wild Life Toxicology
Degradation of Xenobiotic Compounds
Persistent Compounds
Developing the Microorganisms
Degradation Mechanism
Genetics & Evolution of Bio-degradation
Microorganisms in Bioremediation and their role in bioremediation
Bioremediation Processes and Technologies
Monitoring the efficacy of bioremediation
Bioremediation of Marine Oil pollutants and air pollutants
Biofertilizers and Biopesticides
Biofertilizers in Agrosystem
Microbial and Antimicrobial pesticides
Physicochemical Characteristics of the Environment
Decomposting Stages
Microorganisms Used
Extraction from Mixture
Metal Precipitation
Suggested Readings:
Casarett and Daull’sToxicology : The basic science of poisons. By : Curtis D. Klaassen 6thEdn., McGraw-Hill (Medical Publishing Div. NewYork
Environmental Biotechnology – by. InduShekhar Thakur, I.K. International Pub.(2006)
Toxicology, Principles and Applications: Raymond I.M.. CRC Publication.
Microbial Ecology: Fundamentals and Applications by Atlas Bartha (An imprint of Addison Wesley Longman Inc)
Environmental Microbiology: Maier R.M., Academic Press. 2000 Press, Cambridge. .1993.
Environmental Science- A global concern; Cunningham W.P. and Saigo B.W Win. C. Brown Publishers, London, 1995.
Advances in Industrial Waste Water Treatment; P.K. Goel; Technoscience Publications. Jaipur, 1999.
An Introduction to Air Pollution; Trivedy R.K. and Goel P.K., Technoscience Publications, Jaipur, 1995.
Problems of Environment Management in India; Goel M.M., Sharma M.C. and Purohit N.K; Anupriya Publishing House, Jaipur, 1999.
Environmental Science (A study of interrelations); Enger E.D. and Smith B.F.; Win. C. Brown Pub. (Latest Edition).
Botkin D. And Keller E. Environmental Science. Earth as a Living Planet; Botkin D. And Keller E