Reproductive Biology:Theory

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Reproductive biology


The students will

CO1: Support the Physiology of Endocrine glands and their hormones.

CO2: Judge the role of various endocrine glands on different organs.

CO3: Conjecture the role of hormones in reproduction

CO4: Assess the mechanism of hormonal action and feedback inhibition


Approach in teaching: Discussion, Demonstration, Action Research, Project, Field Trip

Learning activities for the students:Field activities, Simulation, Presentation, Giving task

Class test

Semester end examinations,



Seminar Presentation

Individual and group projects


Unit I: 
Reproductive Endocrinology                                       
Gonadal hormones and mechanism of hormone action, steroids, glycoprotein hormones, and prostaglandins, hypothalamo – hypophyseal – gonadal axis, regulation of gonadotrophin secretion in male and female 
Reproductive System: Development and differentiation of gonads, genital ducts, external genitalia, mechanism of sex differentiation.
Unit II: 
Unit II
Functional anatomy of male reproduction                       
Outline and histological of male reproductive system in rat and human; Testis: Cellular functions, germ cell, system cell renewal; Spermatogenesis: kinetics and hormonal regulation; Androgen synthesis and metabolism; Epididymal function and sperm maturation; Accessory glands functions; Sperm transportation in male tract
Unit III: 
Unit III
Functional anatomy of female reproduction                           
Outline and histological of female reproductive system in rat and human; Ovary: folliculogenesis, ovulation, corpus luteum formation and regression; Steroidogenesis and secretion of ovarian hormones; Reproductive cycles (rat and human) and their regulation, changes in the female tract; Ovum transport in the fallopian tubes; Sperm transport in the female tract, fertilization;
Unit IV: 
Unit IV
Hormonal control of Reproduction                                             
Hormonal control of implantation; Hormonal regulation of gestation, pregnancy diagnosis, foeto – maternal relationship; Mechanism of parturition and its hormonal regulation; Lactation and its regulation
Unit V: 
Unit V
Reproductive Health                                                                   
Infertility in male and female: causes, diagnosis and management; Assisted Reproductive Technology: sex selection, sperm banks, frozen embryos, in vitro fertilization, ET, EFT, IUT, ZIFT, GIFT, ICSI, PROST; Modern contraceptive technologies; Demographic terminology used in family planning  
Essential Readings: 


  • Austin, C.R. and Short, R.V. reproduction in Mammals. Cambridge University Press.
  • Degroot, L.J. and Jameson, J.L. (eds). Endocrinology. W.B. Saunders and Company.
  • Knobil, E. et al. (eds). The Physiology of Reproduction. Raven Press Ltd.
  • Hatcher, R.A. et al. The Essentials of Contraceptive Technology. Population Information Programme.



Academic Year: