Reproductive Biology

Paper Code: 
LSC 144C
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Unit I: 
Biology of Spermatozoa and Ovum:
 Structure, Development and Function :
• The female reproductive system: anatomy and physiology of the mammalian ovary and ductal system. Follicular growth, ovarian hormones, two cell theory of estrogen biosynthesis. Autocrine, Paracrine and endocrine regulation of ovarian functions.
• The male reproductive system: anatomy and physiology of the mammalian testis and the sex accessory glands; Functional Organization of testis, spermatogenic cycle. Testicular androgens, autocrine, paracrine,and endocrine regulation of testicular functions. Semen and its biochemical nature
Unit II: 
Regulation of reproduction :
• The pituitary gland : Functional cytology,
denohypophyseal hormones, their chemistry and
• The Hypothalamus and its neurosecretory centres:
Structure of neurosecretory cells, the hypothathalamic
principles: synthesis, storage, release and chemistry.
• The phenomenon of neuroendocrine integration and
the hypothalamo- hypophyseal- gonadal axis.
• Role of Thyroid, Pineal and Adrenal glands in
• Miscellaneous factors affecting reproduction: nutrition. light, temperature, pheromones, environmental disruptors
Unit III: 
Diagnosis of male infertility
• Semen analysis: Physical examinations, microscopic examinations, biochemical analysis, Immunological tests.
• Sperm function tests: Sperm mitochondrial Hypo-Osmotic Swelling (HOS)Test, Acrosome, reaction. Acrosome Intactness (AI) test.
• Endocrinological diagnosis.
Unit IV: 
Reproductive Toxicology
• Female reproduction-(Hypothalamus, ovary
assessment of female reproductive functions),
• Male reproduction-(Biology of male reproduction,
assessment of male reproductive function)
Unit V: 
Reproductive Techniques
• Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)
• Super ovulation, Oocyte collection.
• Collection and preparation of sperm for assisted
➢ Insemination.
➢ In- vitro fertilization and related techniques (IVF, GIFT, ZIFT, TET, ICSl ).
• Cryopreservation of semen, oocytes and embryos.
• Teratological effects of Xenobiotics
• Pre-natal diagnosis
• Impact of aging, Hormone Replacement Therapy
Essential Readings: 
Ball, G.H. Davidson, J.N. & Scarburough, H.,:Text book of physiology & Biochemistry E. & S. Livingstone Ltd. London (1956). .
▪ Bast, C.H. & Tayler, N.B. :Physiological basis of medical practices, Dilkins Co. Baltimore. (1957).
▪ Guyton A.G.:Text book of Medical Physiology, 7th ed. Saunders Publishers (1986).
▪ Hoar, W.S. :General and comparative Animal physiology 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi (1983).
▪ Scheer: General Physiology
Academic Year: