Practical (Cell and Molecular Biology I)

Paper Code: 
ZOL 324 B
  • Use of microscopes
  • Use of oculometer: standardization and measurements of cell height,nuclear diameter and tubular diameters
  • Use of ocular Grid-standardization and counting of cells or nuclei in cross section or epithelium.
  • Determination of the absorption maxima of a solution.
  • Determination of relationship between absorption and various concentration of a solution using colorimeter and spectrophotometer.
  • Preparation of standard curve for protein ,lipid ,carbohydrate and enzymes.
  • Separation techniques
    • Separation of proteins and DNA by Agaose gel electrophoresis
    • Separation of proteins on SDS PAGE  and PAGE
    • Separation of amino Acids by paper chromatography
    • Separation of amino Acids by TLC
  • Chromosomal techniques
    • Preparation of salivary gland chromosome from chironomous larva and stain with acetocarmine /acetoorcein and feulgen
    • Preparation of mammalian chromosomes from bone Marrow
  • Permanent slides-Types of cells(Squamous,cuboidal,columnar epithelial cells,Nerve cells,Muscle Cells,Connective tissues of various types),adipose tissues,mitotic and meiotic chromosomes and their different phases,Cancer cells of various types.


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