Paper Code: 
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Physiology and Endocrinology
Estimation of Haemoglobin in the blood sample
Estimation of Haematocrit in the blood sample
Counting of Red & White blood  cells in blood sample
To study the Bleeding Time & Clotting time of blood
Determination of Blood Pressure.
Dissection to expose the endocrine glands of mice(Demonstration)
Study of Estrous cycle of mice by vaginal smear preparation
Histology of Tissues of Mammals: T.S of –Liver, intestine, stomach, testis, ovary, lung, kidney, pancreas, skin, adrenal, Pituitary, thyroid
Developmental Biology
Live gametes under microscope (Sperm motility, Sperm structure, Sperm count & their staining techniques)
 Developmental stages of Frog
Metamorphic stage of Frog
Living Chick embryos( 18-21 hours, 24-28 hours, 30-36 hours, 42-48 hours, 72 &96 hours)
Window preparation in egg of Hen
Whole mount of Chick embryo stage(Demonstration)
Developmental stages of Drosophila
 Exercises based on Applied  Biology
Academic Year: