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  • Identification, classification & study of distinguishing features of representatives from various groups.


Phylum Protozoa- Polystomella, Formanifera, Opalina, Paramecium(Fission & conjugation) Vorticella, Euglena, Trypanosoma,Monocytsis,Plasmodium.


Phylum Porifera-Sycon L.S & T.S, Spicules, Spongin fibres, Leucosolenia, Euplectella


Phylum Cnidaria- Obelia,( polyp & Medusa), Millepora, Physalia, Pennatula, Metridium, Madrepora, Alcyonium, Gorgonia, Aurelia.


Phylum Helminthes- Ascaris, Taenia, Planaria


Phylum Annelida- Pontobdella, Aphrodite, Leech, Polygordius, Chaetopterus, Neries, Heteroneries, Arenicola.


Phylum Arthropoda- Cyclops, Peripatus, Balanus, Lepas, Hippa, Belostoma, Limulus, Eupagurus, Julus, Scolopendra, Praying mantis.


Phylum Mollusca- Murex, Bulla, Cardium, Arca, Turritella, Pinctada, Cypraea, Octopus, Nautilus.


Phylum Echinodermata- Echinus, Holothuria, Antedon, Asterias


Minor Phyla- Bugula, Plumatella, Crestatella, Pectinella,Phoronis, Dendrostoma


 Larval Stages: Planula, Redia, Miracidium, Sporocyst,Cercaria,Metacercaria Trochophore, Nauplius, Zoea, Mysis, Phyllosoma, Trilobite larva of Limulus, Velligar, Bipinnaria, Echinopluteus, Auricularia, Tornaria


Dissections :

  • Cockroach: General anatomy, Reproductive system, Nervous system


Mouthparts: Cockroach & Mosquito


Biosystematics, taxonomy and evolution


  • Composition and assessment of the taxonomic diversity/biodiversity in a habitat (e.g. grassland, arid land, wet land etc.)
  • Estimation of gene and genotypic frequencies in light of Hardy-Weinberg law based on facial traits/thumb prints, ABO blood group data etc.
  • Project: Preparation of models showing the status of certain taxa or species in a particular habitat.


Cell Biology


  • Preparation of different cell types: Liver Hepatocytes , Adipocytes, Spleen cells
  • Study of Polytene chromosomes in salivary glands of Chironomus larva/Drosophila
  • Light microscopic examination and preparation of tissue sections.
  • Study of mitotic and meiotic chromosomes from permanent prepared slides.
  • Preparation of slides for mitotic study.
  • Preparation of slides for meiotic study in the testis of grasshopper.
  • Preparation of multipolar nerve cell from the spinal cord of a mammal.
  • Barr body preparation in buccal epithelial cells.



  • Qualitative analysis of Lipid, protein and Carbohydrate samples
  • Colorimetric/Spectrophotometric estimation of :
  • Carbohydrate-Glucose,glycogen,cholesterol etc.
  • Protein
  • Phospholipids
  • Nucleic acids: DNA,RNA
  • Analysis of enzyme activity
  • Study of temperature effect on enzyme action


Academic Year: