
Paper Code: 
24 ZOL424
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Course objectives:
This course will enable the students to –
1. Design and conduct experiments, using a broad variety of experimental techniques, and interpret the data obtained to draw conclusions about whether the results do or do not support a hypothesis being tested and whether the experimental design was appropriate.
2. Work collaboratively with other students and with faculty, understanding that most scientific knowledge/conclusions draw(s) on multiple sources of data and multiple experimental approaches.
3. Appraise “best approaches” for conducting experiments including laboratory safety, data replication and quality control, record keeping, and other aspects of “responsible conduct of research”.
4. Examine and evaluate familiarity with an area of science such that the students can present their work to a professional audience and also discuss their work with a general audience.
5. Investigate new problem solving skills and analytical thinking skills.
Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcomes (at course level)

Learning and teaching


Assessme nt


Course Code

Course Title




CO181.   Design    and    conduct

experiments to study development

of frog.

CO182.        Demonstrate       the

developmental stages of the chick

at various stages of incubation.

CO183.                  Appraise“best

approaches”     for      conducting

experiments based on ethology

Examine and evaluate familiarity

with an area of science such that the

students can present their work to a professional                audience                      and           also

discuss their work with a general


CO184. Investigate new problem

solving    skills    and    analytical

thinking skills based on poultry

and dairy farming

CO185. Reflect on personal learning

experiences and experimental

outcomes during viva voce


CO186. Contribute effectively in

course-specific interaction

Approach in










activities for

the students:

Self-learning assignments,

Conduction of


Giving tasks,

Field practical

Class test

Semester end


Viva voce

Evaluation by



of students


Gene and differentiation Study of development of Frog
Preserved Material available:
Egg, Cleavage, Blastula, Gastrula, Neurula, Tail bud, Hatching, Mature tadpole larva, Metamorphic stages, Froglet
Histological slides: Cleavage, Blastula, Gastrula, Neurula, Tail bud stage
Study of development of Chick
Whole mounts: 18, 21, 24, 33, 72 & 96 hrs of incubation period embryos
Study of the embryo at various stages of incubation in vivo by making a window in the eggshell
Exercise to demonstrate developmental stages of living embryo after removal of blastoderm from the egg
Study of various Foetal envelopes in a 10-12 day old chick embryo(Amnion, Chorion, Allantois,Yolksac)
To study the food preference and feeding behaviour of Tribolium.
To study the light response ofTribolium.
To study the process of learning in rats with the help of animal maze and analyze the result of the experiment.
To study general behavior of mice using open field maze, hole board maze,social interaction
To study anxiety behavior of mice using elevated maze and light dark test.
To study the communication in Earthworm by chemical stimuli i.e. extruding a substance called “Pheromone” that can transmit message.
To study imprinting during critical period.
Study of social organization of Rhesus (Macaca Mulatta) and Langurs (Presbytis entellus).
A visit to Zoo: To study the behavior
Applied Zoology
A visit to: Poultry Farm and Dairy Industry Report writing on
Poultry Keeping Poultry science: Maintenance and management
Dairy farming Basic concepts in dairy science: Semen collection & preservation; artificial insemination; multiple ovulation and embryo transfer Different breeds of Cattle
Essential Readings: 
A manual of Zoology Part I and II EkambarnathAyyar and Ananthakrishnan.
Viswanathan Pvt. Ltd, Madras.
Carlson, R. F. Patten's Foundations of Embryology.
Biology of Animals. C.P. Hickmann, L.S. Roberts and A. Larson. McGraw Hill Company, New York.
A manual of practical zoology: chordates.P.S.Verma. S Chand publishers.
Animal behaviour- ReenaMathur, Rastogi Publications MeerutAn introduction to behaviour; Manning, A & Dawkins, M. S.; Cambridge Low Price Edition. UK.
Shrivastava: Test book of Applied Entomology, Vol. I &II (Kalyani Publishers, 1991)
Text Book of Applied Zoology: Vermiculture, Apiculture, Sericulture, Lac- Culture, Agricultural Pests and their Control by Pradip V. Jabde, 2005 Publisher Vedams eBooks
(P) Ltd. New Delhi
Absan and Sinha: A handbook of Economic Zoology (S. Chand and Company, 2009)
Animal behaviour,Hindi,R.A. Publication McGraw Hill Co.New York.
Animal Societies and Evolution : Scientific Ameridan Publications
Academic Year: