
Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Course objectives:  
This course will enable the students to - 
1. Implement different laboratory specimens of vertebrates based on their external features and  appearance. 
2. Investigate taxonomic features of animals. 
3. Develop hands-on practice of various microscopic techniques, occulometery, centrifugation  and UV - visible spectroscopy. 
4. Retrieve information from biological databases along with the submission of sequences into  the databases using BLAST & FASTA. 
Course Outcomes (COs):  


Learning outcomes 

(at course level)

Learning and  teaching strategies

Assessment  Strategies 



Paper Title



The students will: 

CO 59: Examine and differentiate  laboratory specimens of vertebrates  based on their external features and  appearance and their categorical  relation with various classes 

CO 60: Get hands-on practice of  various microscopic techniques,  occulometery, centrifugation and UV - visible spectroscopy. 

CO 61: Retrieve information from  biological databases along with the  submission of sequences into the  databases using BLAST & FASTA.

The approach in  teaching: 

Interactive Lectures,  Discussion, Tutorials,  Demonstration,  

explanation and  conduction of practicals 

Learning activities for  the students: 


assignments, Effective  questions, Simulation,  Seminar presentation,  Giving tasks, Field  practical

Class test  

Semester end  examinations, Evaluation by  the  

performance of  students


Animal Diversity IV & V 
Study of museum specimens and slides: 
Hemichordate: Balanoglossus 
Urochordata:Herdmania, Doliolum. 
Cyclostomata: Petromyzon, Ammocoete larva 
Pisces:Labeo, Echeneis, Zygaena(Sphyrna), Torpedo, Chimaera,Acipensor, Clarias, Anguilla,  Hippocampus, Exocoetus, Any flat fish, Protopterus
Dissection:Scoliodon (Demonstration)—Cranial nerves; Afferent & efferent blood vessels, Eye  muscles, Internal ear 
Permanent mount—Ampulla of Lorenzini, Placoid scales (Scoliodon) 
Amphibia: Ichthyophis, Ambystoma, Axolotl larva, Alytes, Hyla. 
Reptiles: Testudo, Sphenodon, Hemidactylus, Phrynosoma, Draco, Chameleon, Eryx, Hydrophis,  Naja, Viper, Bungarus, Crocodylus,  
Aves: Archaeopteryx, Running bird (Ostrich), Pavo, Choriotis(Great Indian bustard), Passer,  Migratory bird(Siberian crane), Pigeon 
Mammals: Ornithorhynchus, Tachyglossus, Macropus (Kangaroo), Bat, Loris, Whale, Rhesus.
Study of Experimental animals—Swiss albino Mice 
Biological tools and techniques 
● Microscopes 
● Standardisation of Occulometer and measurements of tubular diameter,cell heights. 
● Measurement of diameter of thyroid follicles. 
● To study the structure & function of Centrifuge. 
● To study the principle of UV & visible light spectroscopy 
● To observe the subcellular fractionation of rat liver. 
Similarity searches between sequence using BLAST 
Similarity searches between sequence using FASTA 
Academic Year: