Paper Code: 
ZOL 115
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to –


  1. Differentiate laboratory specimens based on their external features and appearance of various phyla.
  2. Construct knowledge about various fixation and staining techniques using different biological specimens.
  3. Appraise their knowledge about different mitotic stages by preparing temporary slides of the onion root tip and visualizing the stages by their key features.
  4. Postulate various qualitative and quantitative biochemical techniques to differentiate between different biomolecules based on their physical and chemical properties.
  5. Analyze the effect of temperature on the enzymatic activity and gain hands-on expertise in the separation of various solutes using chromatographic techniques.


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title

ZOL 115


Students will:

CO 19: Investigate different laboratory specimens based on their external features and appearance and their categorical relation with various phylums.

CO 20: Get hands-on experience of various fixation and staining techniques using different biological specimens.

CO 21: Enhance their knowledge about different mitotic stages by preparing temporary slides of the onion root tip and visualizing the stages by their key features.

CO 22: Interpret various qualitative and quantitative biochemical techniques to differentiate between different biomolecules based on their physical and chemical properties.

CO 23: Analyze the effect of temperature on the enzymatic activity and gain hands-on expertise in the separation of various solutes using chromatographic techniques.

The approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration, Team teaching


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Simulation, Seminar presentation, Giving tasks, Demonstration by Virtual software.


Class test

Semester end examinations,




Surprise test

Open book test



Animal Diversity I & II

  • Study of museum specimens and slides:
  • Protozoa :Paramecium(WM), Binary fission, Conjugation, Entamoeba, Trypanosoma, Plasmodium, Monocystis), Opalina, Vorticella, Balantidium (Rectal Ciliate, Nyctotherus(Rectal Ciliate), Euglena, Giardia, Elphidium
  • Porifera:Sycon L.S & T.S, Sponge spicules, Sponginfibres
  • Leucosolenia, Euplectella, Spongilla.
  • Coelenterata: Hydra, Obelia(polyp), Aurelia, Sea anemone, Gorgonia, Physalia, Vellela, Alcyonium, Millepora, Pennatula
  • Platyhelminthes:Planaria, Fasciola,Taenia-- Scolex, Gravid proglottid, Fasicola hepatica and its Larval Forms
  • Aschelminthes:Ascaris(Male & Female), Dracunculus, Wuchereria, Hook Worm
  • Any  one animal from Minor Phyla: Ctenophora, Rotifera, Onychophora


Cell Biology

  • Fixation and staining:
    • Fixatives:- Carnoys, Bouins, formalin
    • Stains:- Acetocarmine,Acetorcein, Eosin,  Haematoxylin


  • Double & Single staining :
    • Staining of Euglena,Hydra,Obelia,Foraminiferousshell,Spongespicules,Spongegemmules,Sponginfibre


  • Mitosis- Onion root tip (Temporary Slide preparation)
  • Meiosis- (Study of Permanent slides)


  • Identification of lipids, proteins & Carbohydrates in the given sample
  • Identification of different kinds of mono, di & polysaccharides in the given sample
  • Quantitative analysis of cholesterol and glycogen using colorimeter
  • Separation of Dyes by circular paper chromatography method
  • Analysis of enzymatic activity
  • Liver Catalase



Essential Readings: 


  • Pechenik, J.A. Biology of Invertebrates,TataMc-Graw Hill Ltd, New Delhi.
  • Jordon, E.L., Verma P.S. Invertebrate Zoology, S Chand and Co.
  • Practical Zoology, Invertebrates, Lal, S.S. Rastogi Publications, Meerut
  • Practical Zoology, Invertebrates ,Kohli,K.S.,Ansari, A.S. Ramesh Boo
  • k Depot, New Delhi.
  • Laboratory manual in Invertebrate & Experimental Zoology, Jacob Vyas Ramesh Book Depot, New Delhi.
  • Biology of Animals. C.P. Hickmann,  L.S. Roberts and A. Larson. McGraw Hill Company, New York.
  • Standard methods of biochemical analysis.Thimmaiah, S.R. KalyaniPublishers,Noida
  • Practical Zoology, Jacob,D. Ramesh Book Depot, Jaipur.


Academic Year: