
Paper Code: 
ZOL 615
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to -


  1. Analyze water and soil quality
  2. Examine Leaf area index and dust holding capacity
  3. Study the behavior of selected birds and animals
  4. Gain knowledge about adaptive features, serial homology, analogy and homology


Course Outcomes (COs): 


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title

ZOL 615


Students will

CO 122: Appraise water and soil quality

CO 123: Judge general behaviour of various animals

CO 124: Explore about adaptive modification in animals

CO 125: Evaluate  leaf area index and dust holding capacity 

The approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration, the performance of exercises 

Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Group discussions, Model and chart preparation, Practical skills and laboratory reports,

Practical skills and laboratory reports

Viva voce examinations


General behaviour of  Tribolium (Food preference, light Response) 
General behaviour of Earthworm, learning in mice( hole board maze and open field maze)
To be given as Project
Ant social behaviour
General behaviour of commonly found animals (Locust, Passer, Koel, Pigeon, Humming bird, Peacock, Weaver bird, Squirrel, Dog, Deer, Monkey)
Evolution- Tobe given as Project
Adaptive modification in feet and beak in birds
Analogy and Homology
Serial homology 
Environmental Pollution and Conservation & Ecology
Water Evaluation Analysis: total hardness, total solid, BOD, Acidity, Alkalinity, Free CO2,Dissolved oxygen, Chlorine
Soil Analysis: Organic matter, Bulk density, Water holding capacity, moisture content in soil.
Leaf area index, Dust holding capacity of leaves
Preparation of Report: Sanctuary/National Park.
Essential Readings: 
  • An introduction to behaviour; Manning, A & Dawkins, M. S.; Cambridge Low Price Edition. UK.
  • Animal Behaviour, David McFarland, Pitman Publishing Ltd, London, UK.
  • Animal Behaviour, John Alcock, Sinauer Assoc. Inc. USA.
  • Animal Behaviour; Mathur, R.; Rastogi Publications, Meerut Introduction to evolution; Moody.
  • Handbook of methods in Environmental Studies, Maiti, S.K., Jaipur Publications.
  • Practical Exercises in Cytology, Genetics, Plant Breeding and Biostatistics. Raghuvanshi.
Academic Year: