
Paper Code: 
ZOL 513
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course objectives:


This course will enable the students to -


  1. Describe the structure of the bacterial cell
  2. To gain knowledge about genetic material and reproductive methods in bacteria.
  3. To understand the nutritional requirements and culture of the microbes.
  4. To describe the epidemiology of infectious agents including how infectious diseases are transmitted.
  5. To explain interventions employed to prevent infectious diseases including infection control measures and vaccines.


Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title



The student will be able to

CO 90: Understand  morphology of bacterial cell, its genetic material and modes of reproduction

CO 91: Gain knowledge about nutritional requirements of bacteria and culture the microbes.

CO 92: Describe the epidemiology of infectious agents including how infectious diseases are transmitted.

CO 93: The student will be able to explain interventions employed to prevent infectious diseases including infection control measure and vaccines


The approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration, PowerPoint presentations, Explanation by videos


Learning activities for the students:

Self learningassignments, Effective questions, Simulation, Seminar presentation, Giving tasks, Field practical


Class test

Semester end examinations,




Surprise test

Open book test




Brief introduction to the history of Microbiology

  • Work of Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
  • Work of Louis Pasteur, John Tyndall, Robert Koch & Jenner


  • Size, shape & pattern of arrangement
  • Structural Organization—Slime layer(Capsule) Cell envelope, Cytoplasmic membrane(Inner membrane), Cell wall(Outer membrane) of gram-ve & gram +ve bacteria, Mesosomes; Cytoplasmic organization, Cell projections- Flagella & pilli

Genetic material of bacteria: Chromosomes, Plasmids, Replication of bacterial DNA

Reproduction in Bacteria: Asexual reproduction: Binary fission, budding, Endospore formation& cyst formation Sexual reproduction: Conjugation

Transduction ,Bacterial recombination &transformation


Microbial nutrition culture of Bacteria

  • Carbon & energy source
  • Nitrogen & minerals
  • Organic growth factors
  • Microbial growth

Environmental factors: Temperature, Hydrogen ion concentration


Bacteria of medical importance:

Gram +ve:

  • Cocci : Staphylococci, Streptococci
  • Bacilli: Diptheria, Tetanus

Gram –ve:

  • Cocci: Gonnorrhea, Meningitis
  • Bacilli: Diarrhoea

The causative agents, Transmission, Pathogenecity, Laboratory diagnosis, Treatment & Prevention of:


  • Mycobacteria: Tuberculosis
  • Hepatitis (with emphasis on B type)

Cyanobacteria (Structural organization and significance),

Virus  classification, Lytic & Lysogenic cycles

 Yeast- industrial application

Essential Readings: 
  • Jacob D.Introductory Microbiology,Ramesh Book Depot,Jaipur.
  • P.D. Sharma, Microbiology,Rastogi and Company, Merrut.
  • David Freifelder-Molecular Biology, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.
  • Salle,S.J. Fundamental Principles of Bacteriology,Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub. Co., New Delhi.
  • Microbial:T.Stuart Walker,W.B.Saunders Company
  • Microbiological Application,Alfred E.Brown,McGraw.Hill
  • Practical Biochemistry:Principles &Techniques; Keith Wilson& John Walker;Cambridge University Press.
  • Lechiman, W.Microbiology, Glenced Pub1. Co. New York
  • Nestler, R.L. Microbiology, W.S. Saunders, Philadelphia (Student edition:Holt-Saunders International Edition, Tokyo).
  • Stonier, T.I. Nouderroff, and Adeloverg, E.A. General Microbiology.
Academic Year: