Ethology & Applied Zoology

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The course objective is to provide students with a basic understanding of:

  1. Diversity of animal behaviour, Concepts of Ethology
  2. Mammalian Nervous system and behaviour, Methods of studying brain and behaviour
  3. Social organization of different animals, Types of communication in animal, Migration and Orientation
  4.  Reproductive behaviour patterns, Biological rhythms, Learning and memory
  5. Elementary Knowledge of Sericulture,  Apiculture,  Lac culture,  Pisciculture, Poultry Keeping and Dairy farming

Learning outcomes-

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

  1. Describe diversity of animal behaviour, Concepts of Ethology
  2. Describe mammalian Nervous system and behaviour, Methods of studying brain and behaviour
  3. Describe social organization of different animals, Types of communication in animal, Migration and Orientation
  4. Describe reproductive behaviour patterns, Biological rhythms, Learning and memory
  5. Describe elementary Knowledge of Sericulture,  Apiculture,  Lac culture,  Pisciculture, Poultry Keeping and Dairy farming
Unit I: 

Introduction of Ethology:-

  • History and Branches of ethology
  • Introduction to the works of KonradLorenz, NikoTinbergen, Kark Von Frish

Concepts of Ethology

  • Fixed Action Pattern
  • ASE
  • Sign Stimulus

Innate Releasing Mechanism

Unit II: 

Human Brain and behaviour

Behavioural genetics

Reproductive behaviour patterns:-

  • Courtship and Mating

Stickleback courtshipbehaviour

Unit III: 

Social organization

Definition, properties, advantages, social group of rhesus and langur

Animal communication: Auditory, chemical,visual

Migration: Fish (Catandromous and Anandromous),

Orientation: Taxes and Kinesis

Unit IV: 


Definition ,difference from Instinct, habituation, trail and error, conditioning


Human Ethology – Introduction to Desmond Morris, derivation of human behaviour from animals.

Unit V: 

Elementary Knowledge of :-

  • Sericulture

Mulberry sericulture: Cultivation of food plants, Bioecology of mulberry silkworms, Rearing of silkworms, Harvesting and processing of cocoons, Reeling appliances, Diseases of Bombyxmori, Predators and parasitoids of silkworm and their management

  • Apiculture                                                     

Kinds of honeybees, Organization of bee colony, Life-history and behaviour of bees, Diseases of honeybees, Beekeeping methods, Equipment and tools.

Apiary management - Hiving a colony, Controlling swarming, Handling of bees, Extraction of honey and wax, Bee products.

  • Lac culture                                                                                                                

Lac insect and its life history, Host plant, Strains of lac insects, Propagation of lac insects, Lac crop management, Natural enemies of lac insects and, Lac extraction

  • Pisciculture

Fresh water cultivable fishes and their aquaculture profile: Indian Major Craps (IMC), Exotic Carps (EC), Cat-fishes, Tilapia, Channa etc.  Cultivable species of crustaceans and molluscs: Identification and aquaculture profile: Shrimps, freshwater prawn, crab, lobster, pearl oyster, edible oyster, mussel-clams etc.   

 Brackish water aquaculture-Introduction, the tidal range, salinity and the biota.


Poultry Keeping

Poultry science: Maintenance and management

Dairy farming

Basic concepts in dairy science: Semen collection & preservation; artificial insemination; multiple ovulation and embryo transfer

Different breeds of Cattle

Essential Readings: 
  • Animal behaviour- Reena Mathur, Rastogi Publications Meerut
  • Manning , An introduction to behaviour Edward. Arnold.London
    • Shrivastava: Test book of Applied Entomology, Vol. I &II (Kalyani Publishers, 1991)
    • Text Book of Applied Zoology: Vermiculture, Apiculture, Sericulture, Lac-Culture, Agricultural Pests and their Control by Pradip V. Jabde, 2005 Publisher Vedams eBooks (P) Ltd. New Delhi
    • Absan and Sinha: A hand book of Economic Zoology (S. Chand and Company, 2009)
  • Animal behaviour, Hindi, R.A. Publication McGraw Hill Co.New York.
  •  Animal Societies and Evolution : Scientific Ameridan Publications
  •  Animal behaviour : Mac Farlnd D. Publications.ELBS
  •  Animal behaviour : Werlace, R.A. Publ. Goodyear Publishin Co lne.
  • Grizimek's encyclopaedia of Ethology.
  •  Hand book of Ehological method Laharen.Publ.Garland STPM Press
  •  Shukla and Upadhyaya : Economic Zoology (Rastogi Publishers, 2009).
  • ChatterjeeK.D.Parasitology (Protozoology and Helminthology) with two hundred fourteen illustrations. CBS Publishers & Distributors Private Limited, 2009.
  • Paniker, CKJ. Textbook of Medical Parasitology. 6th Edition Jaypee Brothers, 2007
  • Insects. M. S. Mani, NBT, India, 2006.
Academic Year: