Paper Code: 
24ZOL 324 C
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Course objectives:
This course will enable the students to –
1. Experimental knowledge of various methods used for measuring toxicity
2. Develop skills of various techniques involved in analysis of toxicants
3. Discover about developmental toxicity
Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcomes (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title













324 (C )











Environmental Toxicology


CO127.                   Develop

experimental skills of various methods used for measuring


CO128. Determine techniques     involved     in analysis of toxicants

CO129. Analyze causes and effects of

developmental toxicity CO130. Explore information on

mutagenicity and Learn different             types of Chromatography

CO131. Reflect on personal learning experiences and experimental                             outcomes during          viva                       voce assessments.

CO132.                           Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching: Practical, Demonstration Learning activities for the students: Practical knowledge, Effective questions

Class test Semester end examinations Viva voce


Measuring Toxicity
Study of Acute, Subchronic and Chronic toxicity on the Stored grain pests.
Histopathological study in Mammal / Insect (cockroach) after application of known toxicants
Haematological studies
Bio-chemical studies
Analysis of Toxicants by Chromatography :Course, TLC,GC
Ames Test for mutagenicity
Study of developmental toxicity by using chick embryos
Essential Readings: 
Casarett and Daull’sToxicology : The basic science of poisons. By : Curtis D. Klaassen 6thEdn., McGraw-Hill (Medical Publishing Div. NewYork
Environmental Biotechnology – by. InduShekhar Thakur, I.K. International Pub.(2006)
Toxicology, Principles and Applications: Raymond I.M.. CRC Publication.
Microbial Ecology: Fundamentals and Applications by Atlas Bartha (An imprint of Addison Wesley Longman Inc)
Environmental Microbiology: Maier R.M., Academic Press. 2000 Press, Cambridge. .1993.
Environmental Science- A global concern; Cunningham W.P. and Saigo B.W Win. C. Brown Publishers, London, 1995.
Advances in Industrial Waste Water Treatment; P.K. Goel; Technoscience Publications. Jaipur, 1999.
An Introduction to Air Pollution; Trivedy R.K. and Goel P.K., Technoscience Publications, Jaipur, 1995.
Problems of Environment Management in India; Goel M.M., Sharma M.C. and Purohit N.K; Anupriya Publishing House, Jaipur, 1999.
Environmental Science (A study of interrelations); Enger E.D. and Smith B.F.; Win. C. Brown Pub. (Latest Edition).
Botkin D. And Keller E. Environmental Science. Earth as a Living Planet; Botkin D. And Keller E
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Academic Year: