Paper Code: 
Course objectives:
This course will enable the students to –
1. Develop a hands on understanding of Immunoassays, precipitation techniques and immunodiffusion methods
2. Appraise histological and histochemical techniques
3. Differentiate and evaluate detailed practical knowledge of different biochemical methods
Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcomes (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessme nt Strategies

Course Code

Course Title






















Cell and Molecular Biology II (Practical)

The students will

CO193. Evaluate         and                                    perform different biochemical  methods, Immunoassays             and quantitation of antibodies

CO194. Analyse          and                                    prepare histological slides by    microtomy and histochemical techniques

CO195. Design            and understand                                                       various

immunohistochemistry protocols CO196. Differentiate and evaluate detailed       practical                knowledge                     of different biochemical methods and Make use of permanent slide to study different cell types

CO197. Reflect on personal learning experiences and experimental outcomes during viva voce assessments

CO198. Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching: Practical, Reading assignments, Demonstration

Learning activities for the students: Practical knowledge, Effective questions, Seminar presentation

Class test Semester end examinations Viva voce


Quantitation of antibodies-
Precipitation Techniques
Immunodiffusion diffusion method.
Preparation of biological tissues and sectioning for paraffin wax histology by microtomy
Carbohydrate- PAS method
Proteins- Ninhydrin Method
Nucleic acid- Feulgen Method
Localization of acid & alkaline phosphatase Ascorbic Acid
Determination of optimum concentration of enzyme for kinetic studies
Estimation of acid & alkaline phosphatase by biochemical method
Permanent slides (for Spotting)- Blood cells, Thymus, Spleen, Liver
Essential Readings: 
Shelve P. and Blanch DEW, Cell and Molecular Biology. John Wile) and Sons Inc., New York, 1994.
Darnell, J.L. Lodish, H and Baltimore, D. Molecular Cell Biology, Scien tific American Books Inc. New York.
Watson, J.D., Hopkins, N.H. Roberts, J.W Steitz, J.A. and Weiner A.M. Molecular Biology of the Gene. The Benjamin/Cumings Pub. Co. Inc. California
Gardner, EJ. Simons, MJ. and Snustad, D.P. Principles of Genetics. John Wiley .& Sons Inc. New York
Voet, D. and Voet, J.G. Biochemistry, John Wiley & Sons Inc New York.
Zubay, G.L. Parson, WW and Vance, D.E. Principles of Biochemistry. Wm.C. Brown Publishers, Oxford, England.
Goldsby, RA.. Kindt, T.J. and Osborne, B.A. Kuby Immunology, WH Free- I man & Co. New York.
Old R. W. and Primrose S. B. Principles of Gene Manipulation An introduction to genetic engineering. Blackwell Scientific Pub li- cation. London, 1989.
Twyman R. M. and Wisden W. Advanced Molecular Biology A Concise Reference Viva Books Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi: 1999
Gasque, C. E. A. Manual of laboratory experiences in Cell Biology Universal Book Stall New Delhi.
Meyers R.A. Molecular Biology and Biotechnology A comprehen- sive desk Reference. VCH Publishers, Inc. New York, 1995
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Academic Year: