Cell and Molecular biology II

Paper Code: 
ZOL 424 B
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course objectives:

This course will enable the students to –

  1. Develop an hands on understanding  of Immunoassays, precipitation techniques and immunodiffusion methods
  2. Appraise histological and histochemical techniques
  3. Differentiate and evaluate detailed practical knowledge of different biochemical methods


Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title




and Molecular Biology II



Students will :

CO159: Evaluate and perform different biochemical methods, Immunoassays and quantitation of antibodies

CO160: Analyse and prepare histological slides by microtomy and  histochemical techniques

CO161: Design and understand various immunohistochemistry protocols

CO162: Differentiate and evaluate detailed practical knowledge of different biochemical methods

Approach in teaching:

Practical, Reading assignments, Demonstration


Learning activities for the students:

Practical  knowledge, Effective questions, Seminar presentation


Class test

Semester end examinations

Viva voce



  • Quantitation of antibodies-
    • PrecipitationTechniques
    • Immunodiffusion diffusion method.
  • Preparation of biological tissues and sectioning for paraffin wax histology by microtomy
  • Histochemistry
    • Carbohydrate- PASmethod
    • Proteins- Ninhydrin Method
    • Nucleic acid- Feulgen Method
    • Localization of acid & alkaline phosphatase Ascorbic Acid
  • Determination of optimum concentration of enzyme for kinetic studies
  • Estimation of acid & alkaline phosphatase by biochemical method
  • Immunoassays-ELISA
  • Permanent slides (for Spotting)- Blood cells, Thymus, Spleen,Liver


Academic Year: