The course Objectives to provide students with a basic understanding of:
Learning Outcomes-
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
Definition and basic concepts of biosystematics and taxonomy
Molecular taxonomy
Dimensions of speciation and taxonomic characters
Taxonomic characters – different kinds, origin of reproductive isolation
Procedure keys in taxonomy
Shannon-Weinner index, dominance index
Concept of evolution and theories of organic evaluation with an emphasis on Darwinism.
(i) Natural selection
(ii) Mutation
(iii) Genetic drift
(iv) Migration
(v) Meiotic drive
Genetics of quantitative traits in populations
Phylogenetic inference-Distance methods, parsimony methods, maximum likelihood method
ü A Primer of Population Genetics. Hart,D.L.suinuaer Associates, Inc, Massachusetts.
ü Genes and Evolution. JhaA.P.John Publication, New Delhi
ü Species Evolution-The role of chromosomal change. King,M. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
ü Evolution and Genetics Merral, D.J.Holt, Rinchart and Winston, Inc.
ü Evolutinary Genetics. Smith,J.M. Oxford University Press, New York.
ü Evolution. Strikberger, M.W.Jones and Barlett Publishers, Boston London
ü Bastchelet-F-Introduction to mathematics for life scientists Springer
Verlag, Berling.
Skoal R.R. and F.J.Rohiff Biometry-Freeman, San-Francisco.
ü Snecdor, G.W. and W.G. CocharanStatisical Methods of affiliated-East-
West Press, New Delhi.
ü Murry J.D. Mathematical Biology-Springer, Verlag, Berlin.