Principles of Biochemistry; Smith; Mc Graw Hill, New York.
Textbook of Medical Biochemistry; Ramakrishnan, S. Prasanan, K.G and Rajan, R; Orient Longman, Madras
Biochemistry, Berry, A.K. Emkey Pub. New Delhi.
Conn, E.E. and Stuff, P.K. Outlines of Biochemistry,John Wiley New York.
Donald Voet and Judith G. Voet Biochemistry, John Wiley and Sons., New York.
Lubert Stryer, Biochemistry International Student edition W.H. Freeman and Company, New York.
H.S. Srivastava, Element of Biochemistry, Rastogi Publications Meerut.
Leninger, A.D. Principles of Biochemistry, CBS Publishers and Distributors, Shahdra, Delhi.
Jain,J.L.Fundamentals of Biochemistry ,S.Chand publishers New Delhi.
Murray, R.K.,Harper’s Biochemisttry;Appleton and Lange ,Norwalk,Connecticut