Paper Code: 
ZOL 312
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

1.Outline classification of vertebrates

2. Comparative study of various systems in vertebrate       groups(Pisces, Amphibia, Reptile, Aves, Mammal)

a) Vertebrate integument and its derivatives-

Development, general structure and functions of skin & its derivatives(Glands, scales, feathers and hair)


b) Circulatory System-

Evolution of heart

Evolution of Aortic arches


c) Respiratory system


d) Skeletal system-

Form, function, body size and skeletal elements of the body,

Comparative account of skull, jaw suspensorium, vertebral column, Limbs and girdles


e)  Urinogenital system - Comparative study of Kidney, Testis and Ovary and their ducts


f) Sense organs

  • Simple receptors
  • Organs of olfaction and taste
  • Lateral line system
  • Electroreception

g) Nervous system

  • Comparative anatomy of the brain in relation to its function
Essential Readings: 
  • Liem, K. F., Bemis,W. E., Walker, W.F. & Grande, L. 2001. Functional Anatomy of the Vertebrates: An Evolutionary Perspective. Brooks Cole.
  • Kardong, Kenneth V. 2012. Vertebrates Comparative Anatomy, Function, Evolution.  McGraw Hill Higher Education. 6th edition. Paperback.
  • Kent, George C. & Carr, Robert K. 2009. Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates. McGraw-Hill Science.
  • M. Hildebrand, 1995. Analysis of vertebrate structure. (Hohn Wiley & Sons).
  • J.S. Kingsley, 1974. Outline of comparative anatomy of vertebrates. (Central Book Depot, Allahabad).
  • K.V. Kardong, 2005. Vertebrates: Comparative anatomy, function, evolution (Tata McGraw-Hill Co.).
  • Warren F. Walker Jr.  Functional Anatomy of Vertebrates: An Evolutionary Perspective.
  • Walter, H.E. & L.P. Sayles, 1994. Biology of the vertebrates. (The McMillan Co.). (Indian Edition).
  • Weichert, C.K. 1970. Anatomy of the chordates. (McGraw-Hill Book Co.).
  • Colbert’s evolution of the vertebrates; Colbert, E.H; John Wiley & Sons
  • Young, J.Z.: The Life of Vertebrates. III Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford. 
  • Pough H. Vertebrate life, VIII Edition, Pearson International
  • Text book of Chordate Zoology vol. II ; Sandhu, G.S. and Sandhu, G.S;    Campus Books.
  • Modern text book of Zoology-Vertebrates; Kotpal, Rastogi Publication.
  • Huettnor, A.F.: Fundamentals of comparative embryology The Macmillan Comp., New York (1949).
  • Nelsen, O.E.: Comparative embryology of Vertebrates (1953).
  • Elements of Chordate Embryology; Nair, P.K.G.


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