Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
1. Study of the following specimens:
Amoeba, Euglena, Plasmodium, Paramecium, Sycon, Hyalonema, and Euplectella, Obelia, Physalia, Aurelia, Tubipora, Metridium, Taenia solium, Male and female Ascaris lumbricoides, Aphrodite, Nereis, Pheretima, Hirudinaria, Palaemon, Cancer, Limulus, Palamnaeus, Scolopendra, Julus, Periplaneta, Apis, Chiton, Dentalium, Pila, Unio, Loligo, Sepia, Octopus, Pentaceros, Ophiura, Echinus, Cucumaria and Antedon, Balanoglossus, Herdmania, Branchiostoma, Petromyzon, Sphyrna, Pristis, Torpedo, Labeo, Exocoetus, Anguilla, Ichthyophis/Ureotyphlus, Salamandra, Bufo, Hyla, Chelone, Hemidactylus, Chamaeleon, Draco, Vipera, Naja, Crocodylus, Gavialis, Any six common birds from different orders, Sorex, Bat, Funambulus, Loris
2. Study of the following permanent slides:
T.S. and L.S. of Sycon,  Spicules,Study of life history stages of Taenia, 
3. Key for Identification of poisonous and non-poisonous snakes
An “animal album” containing photographs, cut outs, with appropriate write up about the above mentioned taxa. Different taxa/ topics may be given to different sets of students for    this purpose.
Essential Readings: 
  • Ruppert and Barnes, R.D. (2006). Invertebrate Zoology, VIII Edition. Holt Saunders International Edition.
  • Barnes, R.S.K., Calow, P., Olive, P.J.W., Golding, D.W. and Spicer, J.I. (2002). The Invertebrates: A New Synthesis, III Edition, Blackwell Science
  • Young, J. Z. (2004). The Life of Vertebrates. III Edition. Oxford university press.
  • Pough H. Vertebrate life, VIII Edition, Pearson International.
  • Hall B.K. and Hallgrimsson B. (2008). Strickberger’s Evolution. IV Edition. Jones and Bartlett Publishers Inc.


Academic Year: