Animal Diversity IV

Paper Code: 
ZOL- 311
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The course objective is to provide students with a basic understanding of:


  1. General features used to classify chordates
  2. Taxonomic positions of different animal groups and classification upto order level with special features in members of each class.


Learning outcomes-

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Classify the animals according to their taxonomic characters and will be able to differentiate among each other based on their specific characteristics.
Unit I: 
General characters and Classification of the Vertebrates upto order for each Class. 2.Salient feature of the Type Study i.e. Habit, Habitat and External Morphology


Three main chordate character- Pharyngeal gill slits, dorsal nerve chord and notochord.




 (i)Sub Phylum Hemichordate- Balanoglossus (Digestive system and development), Tornaria larva

Unit II: 
1. General characters and Classification of the Vertebrates upto order for each Class. 2.Salient feature of the Type Study i.e. Habit, Habitat and External Morphology

(ii) Sub Phylum Urochordata- Ascidian(Digestive system and Nervous and Sensory System)-Retrogressive metamorphosis


(iii) Sub Phylum Cephalochordata –Amphioxus (Digestive system, Excretory system)


       (iv)Sub Phylum: Vertebrata



  • Ostracoderms( a brief description)
  • Salient features:

Petromyzon (Ammocoete larva)

Unit III: 
1. General characters and Classification of the Vertebrates upto order for each Class. 2.Salient feature of the Type Study i.e. Habit, Habitat and External Morphology



Class Pisces

Scoliodon: General Characteristics

  • Difference between Osteichthyes&Chondrichthyes
  • Dipnoi
  • Adaptive radiation in Fishes

Economic importance of Fishes

Unit IV: 
1. General characters and Classification of the Vertebrates upto order for each Class. 2.Salient feature of the Type Study i.e. Habit, Habitat and External Morphology

Class Amphibia

  • Classification upto orders
  • Neoteny
  • Adaptive radiation in Amphibia

Class Reptilia

  • Difference between snake and lizard, crocodile and alligator,Gharial, turtle and tortoise
  • Venomous and non Venomous snakes

Poison apparatus

Unit V: 
1. General characters and Classification of the Vertebrates upto order for each Class. 2.Salient feature of the Type Study i.e. Habit, Habitat and External Morphology

Class Aves

  • Feather and its Development
  • Flight adaptation
  • Perching mechanism

Class Mammals

  • Dentition in mammals

Hair and its development

Essential Readings: 


  • Young, J.Z.: The Life of Vertebrates. III Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford. 
  • Jordon, E.L., Verma P.S. Chordate Zoology, S Chand and Co.
  • Text book of Chordate Zoology vol. II ;Sandhu, G.S. and Sandhu, G.S;    Campus Books.
  • Modern text book of Zoology-Vertebrates; Kotpal, Rastogi Publication.
  • Vertebrate Zoology; Rastogi, V.B.; Ramnath&Kedarnath.



Suggested readings:

  • Colbert’s evolution of the vertebrates; Colbert, E.H; John Wiley & Sons
  • Pough H. Vertebrate life, VIII Edition, Pearson International
  • Barrington,E.J.W.: The Biology Hemichordata&Protochordata Oliver & Boyd,London,1965
  • Romer, S. The vertebrate body. W.B. Saunders, London.
  • Student Text Book of Zoology. Vol.I.II and III. Sedgwick.A.
Academic Year: