Course objectives:
This course will enable the students to -
Course Outcomes (COs):
Course |
Learning outcomes (at course level) |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
Paper Code |
Paper Title |
ZOL-311 |
Animal diversity IV |
The students will be able to CO 46: Classify the animals of phylum Chordata according to their taxonomic characters. CO 47: Perceive detailed knowledge about the animals from class Pisces to mammals including their adaptive radiation, structures and economic importance. CO 48: Understand the concept of neoteny and its biological importance in diverse animals. |
The approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration, Team teaching
Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Simulation, Seminar presentation, Giving tasks, Field practical |
Class test Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation Surprise test Open book test |
1.General characters and Classification of the Vertebrates upto order for each Class.
2.Salient feature of the Type Study i.e. Habit, Habitat and External Morphology
Three main chordate character- Pharyngeal gill slits, dorsal nerve chord and notochord
(i)Sub Phylum Hemichordata- Balanoglossus (Digestive system and development), Tornaria larva
1.General characters and Classification of the Vertebrates upto order for each Class.
2.Salient feature of the Type Study i.e. Habit, Habitat and External Morphology
(ii) Sub Phylum Urochordata- Ascidian(Digestive system and Nervous and Sensory System)-Retrogressive metamorphosis
(iii) Sub Phylum Cephalochordata –Amphioxus (Digestive system, Excretory system)
(iv)Sub Phylum: Vertebrata
Ostracoderms( a brief description)
Salient features:
Petromyzon (Ammocoete larva)
1.General characters and Classification of the Vertebrates upto order for each Class.
2.Salient feature of the Type Study i.e. Habit, Habitat and External Morphology
Class Pisces
Scoliodon: General Characteristics
Difference between Osteichthyes&Chondrichthyes
Adaptive radiation in Fishes
Economic importance of Fishes
1.General characters and Classification of the Vertebrates upto order for each Class.
2.Salient feature of the Type Study i.e. Habit, Habitat and External Morphology
Class Amphibia
Classification upto orders
Adaptive radiation in Amphibia
Class Reptilia
Difference between snake and lizard, crocodile and alligator,Gharial, turtle and tortoise
Venomous and non Venomous snakes
Poison apparatus
1.General characters and Classification of the Vertebrates upto order for each Class.
2.Salient feature of the Type Study i.e. Habit, Habitat and External Morphology
Class Aves
Feather and its Development
Flight adaptation
Perching mechanism
Class Mammals
Dentition in mammals
Hair and its development
✔ Young, J.Z.: The Life of Vertebrates. III Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
✔ Jordon, E.L., Verma P.S. Chordate Zoology, S Chand and Co.
✔ Text book of Chordate Zoology vol. II ;Sandhu, G.S. and Sandhu, G.S; Campus Books.
✔ Modern text book of Zoology-Vertebrates; Kotpal, Rastogi Publication.
✔ Vertebrate Zoology; Rastogi, V.B.; Ramnath and Kedarnath.
Suggested readings:
✔ Colbert’s evolution of the vertebrates; Colbert, E.H; John Wiley & Sons
✔ Pough H. Vertebrate life, VIII Edition, Pearson International
✔ Barrington,E.J.W.: The Biology Hemichordata and Protochordata Oliver & Boyd,London,1965
✔ Romer, S. The vertebrate body. W.B. Saunders, London.
✔ Student Text Book of Zoology. Vol.I.II and III. Sedgwick.A.