The course objective is to provide students with a basic understanding of:
2. Taxonomic positions of different animal groups and classification upto order level with special features in members of each class.
Learning outcomes-
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
Chordata Three main chordate character- Pharyngeal gill slits, dorsal nerve chord and notochord.
(i)Sub Phylum Hemichordate- Balanoglossus (Digestive system and development), Tornaria larva |
(ii) Sub Phylum Urochordata- Ascidian(Digestive system and Nervous and Sensory System)-Retrogressive metamorphosis
(iii) Sub Phylum Cephalochordata –Amphioxus (Digestive system, Excretory system)
(iv)Sub Phylum: Vertebrata
Petromyzon (Ammocoete larva)
Class Pisces Scoliodon: General Characteristics
Economic importance of Fishes
Class Amphibia
Class Reptilia
Poison apparatus
Class Aves
Class Mammals
Hair and its development