Animal Diversity I

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Objectives - Students are expected to –

  1. Develop an understanding of the animal kingdom.
  2. Describe the role of taxonomy and systematics in animal studies. 
  3. Learn the general characteristics and characteristics common to all living organisms and be able to distinguish these from characteristics unique to animals.
  4. Learn the general requirements for all living organisms and the specific requirements of animals. 
  5. Understand the general features of animal life cycles and forms of reproduction. 
  6. Organization of the Animal Body


Learning outcomes - By the end of the course, students will be able to:


  1. Describe Taxonomy, Five kingdom classification and basis of classification
  2. describe   unique   characters,  ecological  role and diversity from protozoa,  porifera, coelenterate and helminthes
  3. distinguish different animals belonging  phylum from protozoa to Helminthes.
  4.  recognize types  of Coral reefs with special reference to India.
Unit I: 

General principles of taxonomy

Rules of nomenclature

  • Binomial nomenclature
  • Trinomial nomenclature

Concept of Five kingdom

Basis of Classification (level of body organization, number of germ layers, symmetry, coelom, cleavage, segmentation)

Unit II: 
A. General characters and Classification of Invertebrates upto Class level in each Phylum- B. Salient features of the Type Study i.e .Habit, Habitat and External morphology
  1. Phylum Protozoa:Type study – Paramecium (Locomotion, Nutrition and   Reproduction)

Economic Importance of Protozoans

Unit III: 
A. General characters and Classification of Invertebrates upto Class level in each Phylum- B. Salient features of the Type Study i.e .Habit, Habitat and External morphology
  1. Phylum Porifera:Type study- Sycon,Canal system of Sponges,Skeletal system


Economic Importance of Poriferans9

Unit IV: 
A. General characters and Classification of Invertebrates upto Class level in each Phylum- B. Salient features of the Type Study i.e .Habit, Habitat and External morphology

      C)   Phylum Coelenterata: Type study – Obelia (Life cycle)

  • Polymorphism (Polyp and Medusoid forms)

Coral reefs (Types and Location in India)

Unit V: 
A. General characters and Classification of Invertebrates upto Class level in each Phylum- B. Salient features of the Type Study i.e .Habit, Habitat and External morphology

d)Phylum Platyhelminthes:Type study- Taenia (Structure and Reproduction, Apolysis)


  1. Phylum Nemathelminthes:Ascaris (External features and Life cycle)

Parasitic adaptations of Helminthes

Essential Readings: 


Essential Readings:

  • Text book of Zoology. Parker, T.J., Haswell. W.A.Macmillan Co., London.
  • Textbook of Zoology; Shivpuri, Jacob, D. and Vyas. D.K.; Ramesh Book Depot.
  • Modern Textbook of Zoology Invertebrates; Kotpal; Rastogi Publications.
  • Dhami P.S. and Dhami J.K. Invertebrate Zoology, S Chand and Co.

Suggested Readings:

  • Hickman ,C.P.,LS Roberts,and A. Larson.McGraw  Hill Company, New York. Integrated principles of zoology.
  • Ruppert and Barnes, R.D. (2006). Invertebrate Zoology, VIII Edition. Holt Saunders International Edition.
  • Barnes, R.S.K., Calow, P., Olive, P.j.W., Golding, D.W. and Spicer, J.I. (2002). The Invertebrate: A New Synthesis, III Edition, Blackwell Science.
  • Barrington.  E.J.W. Invertebrate form and function. PHI New Delhi.
Academic Year: