Advanced Toxicology

Paper Code: 
LSC 144 I
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Unit I: 
Principles of Toxicology
• Introduction of toxicology
• Different areas of toxicology
• Toxicology and Society
• General characteristics of the Toxic Response
• Classification of Toxic Agents
• Spectrum of Undesired Effects : Allergic and Idiosyncratic reactions, Immediate versus delayed toxicity. Reversible v/s Irreversible Toxic Effects. Local v/s systemic Toxicity. Interaction of chemicals
• Characteristics of Exposure
• Dose-Response Relationship
• Variation in Toxic Responses
• Descriptive Toxicity Tests
• Toxicogenomics
Unit II: 
Toxic Effects of Metals (I)
 Metal as Toxicants
• Movement of Metals in the Environment
• Mechanism of Metal Toxicity
• Metal-binding Proteins and Metal Transporters
• Pharmacology of Metals
• Exposure, Toxicokinetics, Mechanism of Toxicity and Toxicity of Arsenic and Beryllium
Unit III: 
Toxic Effects of Metals (II)

Exposure, Toxicokinetics, Mechanism of Toxicity and Toxicity of Cd., Pd, Cu & Fe

Unit IV: 
Chelation in Metal Intoxication
 Chelating agents, Chemistry, Pharmacology and Toxicology
• Therapy; Combination therapy, Limitations
• Oxidative Stress in Metal Toxicity, Role of antioxidants
Therapeutic Recommendations for Heavy Metal Poisoning
Nanotoxicology :
• Nanoparticles : Naturally Occurring and Anthropogenic nano-sized material
• Physico-chemical characteristics as Determinants of Biological activity.
• Human Exposure to Nano-sized Materials
• Concept of Noanotoxicology; Ecotoxicological studies, ROS Mechanisms of Nano-sized Pesticide Toxicity, Immunogenicity of nanopesticides.
Unit V: 
The Immune System; Antigen Recognition
• Innate Immunity, Acquired Immunity
• Inflammation, Immune – Mediated Disease
• Developmental Immunology
• Methods to Assess Immunocompetence
• Immune Modulation by Metals
• Xenobiotic – Induced hypersensitivity and autoimmunity with reference to metals only.
Essential Readings: 
Casarett, & Doull’s. (2008). Toxicology: The Basic Science Of Poisons (7th Ed.). New York: Mcgraw-Hill.
• Helferich, W., & Winter, C. K. (2001). Food Toxicology. Crc Press.
• Hodgson, E. (2010). A Textbook Of Modern Toxicology. A John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
• Pandey, K., Shukla, J. P., & Trivedi, S. P. (2011). Fundamentals Of Toxicology. New Central Book Agency.
• Sharma, P. (2005). Environmental Biology And Toxicology. Meerut: Rastogi Publication.
• Shaw, I., & Chadwick, J. ( 1998). Prinicples Of Environmental Toxicology. Taylor & Francis Ltd.
• Wright, D. A., & Welbourn, P. (2002). Environmental Toxicology. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Academic Year: