Text Book of Medical Physiology; Chatterjee, M.N and Shende, R.; Jaypee brothers.
A Textbook of Animal Physiology; Berry,A.K.; Emkay Publisher, Delhi.
Text Book of Medical Physiology; Guyton A.C.;
Animal Physiology Mechanisms and Adaptation. Eckert, R.W.H. Freeman and Company, New York
Animal Physiology adaptation and Environment, Schiemdt Neilsen. Cambridge
Environmental and Metabolic Animal Psysiology, Prosser, C.L.Wiley-Liss Inc., New York.
Environmental Psysiology, Willmer,P.G.Stone, and I.Johnson. Blackwell Sci. Oxford, UK.
Adaptation to Envioronment. Essays on the Psysiology of Marine Animals. Newell, R.C. (ed.) 1976. Butterworths, London, UK.
Psysiological Ecology: An evolutionally approach to resource use. Townsend, C.R. and P. Cawlow. Blackwell Sci. Publ., Oxford, UK
Optima for Animals. Alexander, R.M.N. Princeton Univ. Press. Princeton, NJ
Comparative Physiology: Life in water or land. Dejours,P., L. Bolis, C.R.Taylor and ER. Weibel (eds.). Liviana Press, Padova, Italy