Biogeochemical cycles(C,O,N,P,S)
Population ecology
Natality and mortality,Population age, distribution,population growth curves, Density indices of abundance, Factors affecting population growth, population regulation
Environmental pollution –air, water, soil and green house effect
Concept of sustainable development
Principles of conservation
Biological indicators and their role in environmental monitoring
Wildlife – definition, Zoogeography of India and world with reference to reptiles, birds and mammals, reasons for conservation and destruction of wildlife, value of wildlife in modern civilization
Indian species at risk- endangered , vulnerable, rare and intermediate (with examples)
Habitat diversity, habit analysis-quadrants, transects and grids
Indian wildlife sanctuaries, national parks and biosphere reserves(definition and differences)
Wildlife (protection) Act of1972. IUCN and Red data book. CITES(Convention on international trade in endangered species)Appendices I &II
Radiotelemetry in wildlife management