The course objective is to provide students with a basic understanding of:
Learning Outcomes-
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
Population ecology
Biogeochemical cycles (C,O,N,P,S)
Environmental Pollution –Air, Water, Soil, Noise and Radioactive.
Green House Effect.
Concept of Sustainable development
Biological indicators and their role in environmental monitoring
Wildlife Management:
Habitat diversity- Genetic, Species and Community diversity.
Habit analysis: Quadrants, Transects and Grids.
Indian Wildlife Sanctuaries National Parks and Biosphere Reserves(State wise location, Definition and Differences)
Wildlife (Protection Act) of1972
IUCN and Red data book(Indian species at risk- Endangered , vulnerable, Threatened ,Rare and Intermediate .
CITES(Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species)Appendices I &II